Don't you love how pretty wild berries are? Last year on a trip to the garden center my husband lurked in the wild berry bush section while I fluttered around in the Hydrangea section loving all those pinks and blues. (surely a post to follow ;)
I wondered what we would do with this bust while standing at the checkout isle. So we planted it last year and got a few berries but this year it just went WILD with these pretty little tiny red berries. How beautiful mother nature is.
He picked a whole bunch and I could not resist filling this vintage ceramic robin egg blue bowl that was actually bought when baby Ricci #1 came along.  

A beautiful combination, fresh new wild berries served in a 40ish vintage beautiful robin egg blue bowl. Hope this inspires you to look around and notice what beauties mother nature brings us and to cherish those family heirlooms even if it is just a bowl.


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